Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Playgrounds in NY

I promised a few folks that we'd restart a blog chronicling our move to NYC. Here is my first effort.

Lots of things are different in NY, but playgrounds are largely the same. I was more nervous for my first visit to an NYC playground than Edmund. I wondered if parents even talk to each other-- or if it would be OK to talk to nannies. This was, after all, my life back in Oakland.

Edmund didn't even notice. I opened the gate and he ran for the sand, climbed up some stairs and started to follow a bigger kid up the ladder-- just like he did at Frog. I must say, Frog park is nicer and safer. The gaps in the swing bridge at the "West 68 Playground" would have Oakland parents up in arms. West 68 is actually closer to our apartment than Frog was to our house-- just a hop across CPW and a few steps into Central Park. We will get to know it well-- and hopefully a few parents and friends as lovely as those back in Oakland.

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