Saturday, August 30, 2008

Labor Day weekend in Newport Beach

Edmund's first airplane trip was a short hop from Oakland to Orange County. Edmund better enjoy flying-- he has a busy fall ahead of him with trips planned to Virginia and New Zealand. Luckily he hardly noticed the trip-- he woke up and found himself on the beach with the constant sound of waves crashing. We are spending the weekend at the Beach House, Carl's parent's house in Newport Beach.

Edmund has seemed bored by his parents recently and is much more interested in the buckets of attention he is receiving from his aunt and uncle (Brian and Dianne), his cousins (Max and Audrey) and his grandparents.

Someday soon he'll take notice of the fun to be had out on the beach-- but for now its still just the basics... sleep, eat, poop.

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Moby Nap

We made it to Newport Beach and soon traveled down the boardwalk for some Mexican food and a nap. Hard life.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Edmund's Olympic Floor Routine

Edmund had a little extra energy this afternoon on his 7 week birthday, just one day after his grandparents from Virginia departed for home. He attempted a floor routine consisting of an aided walk, followed by some technical dance moves and a half roll. He gets a 7.5.

Here he is with a smile on his face, at least we think it is a smile!

Monday, August 11, 2008

A nap w/ Grandpa Styron

Edmund was spoiled by the presence of his grandparents from Virginia. Hopefully he will go back to sleeping on his less comfortable bed.
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