Monday, January 19, 2009

Summer in January: Pt Reyes Hike

Thanks to our friend Billy's invitation we ventured out of the East Bay on Sunday to explore (for the first time) Pt Reyes. Along for the trip were Billy & Kris (w/ Reed) and Molly and John (w/ Maya). Elizabeth and I are fortunate to have these Bay Area veterans to show us around.

Edmund is now just over six months and big enough to fit into our backpack carrier, which happened to be our first "baby" purchase upon learning that Edmund was on the way. He is also well into eating solid (not really solid) food.

After a cold Christmas and New Years (like it should be), we have been treated to some amazing summer like days of warmth and blue sky. Sunday on our hike it was around 70 degrees-- warm enough for a dip in Bass Lake- encouraged by a well placed (and somewhat secret) rope swing.

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